Friday, July 30, 2004


Nano sunblock safety under scrutiny (ABC Science Online)

    We don't know enough about the safety of some nanoparticles, such as those already included in some cosmetics and sunscreens, a U.K. report has found.

    The report, just released by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, calls for further studies on the safety of nanoparticles such as the ultrafine zinc oxide powders currently used in some Australian sunscreens. The model Megan Gale launched one such product in Australia late last year. While the product was not specifically mentioned in the report, it contains zinc oxide particles 30 nanometers across. More NanoBot Backgrounder
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    Don't hate me because I'm nano-beautiful
    Beauty and the Nano Beat

    What's New in Cosmetics R&D
    L'Oreal's nanosomes
    Skin Science

UK: Nanotechnology: Whistle blown! (fiber2fasion)
    This relatively new technology announced recently as ‘the technology of the future’ has whistle-blower scientist calling for its ban.

    Reason according to them is that they pose health and environmental risks great enough to justify their ban form daily use. In a report commissioned by the British Government stated that their use in certain cosmetics now found on the U.S. market was a cause for concern. More

    NanoBot Backgrounder
    QuoteBot: Clayton Teague
    Britain balances science, economics, perception
    The Princess or the Dragon

Tiny materials make big splash on Wall St. (MSNBC)
    It's no surprise that science of the tiniest materials is making a big splash on Wall Street. It's a field that holds the promise of changing this century the way computer chips and biotechnology changed the last one. But investors still licking fresh wounds from the last "Next Big Thing" are justified in wondering if this latest innovation will turn out to be just another big way to lose money. More

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Oregon aims to get in on next small thing (Corvallis Gazette-Times)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I'm glad to see the right-minded people of England have begun over-reacting to nanotechnology. It wouldn't be a real technology with real potential if someone wasn't worried about it.

-The Kiwi